
Student progress at Mother St. Bride School is measured using a variety of assessment approaches.

Although paper-and-pencil tests continue to play an important role, the use of alternate assessments such as projects, performances, observations, portfolios, learning logs, and journals are also utilized to assess student learning.

The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) conducts a provincial review each year of Reading, Writing, and Mathematics for all grade 3 and 6 students. The purpose of this assessment is to provide information on student achievement to Parents, Schools, School Boards and the Province.

Student/School Achievements

Mother St. Bride School recognizes student achievement, participation and excellence, through the presentation of a variety of awards and certificates.

Students' achievements are recognized through the presentation of awards, for example:

  • Awards focused upon the Catholic Virtues
  • The Principal's Award
  • Academic Awards
  • Citizenship Awards
  • Mathematics Award
  • Music Award
  • Athletic Awards

The school has been presented with a number of community based awards, the following are examples:

  • Kiwanis Festival awards;
  • Various awards for fundraising events;
  • Canadian Tire Junior Citizenship Awards;
  • Awards for participation in the Santa Claus Parade;

Plans for the Future

Mother St. Bride School continues to foster an environment that calls upon the staff, students, parents, parish and community to collaborate in the belief that "all are called to service in Christ".

The Staff have implemented many initiatives to support student learning. More resources and technology are being purchased to the support the use of differentiated instruction. School Improvement Planning is focused upon the Staff learning together and implementing high yield instructional strategies. Our School-wide assessment practices and tracking strategies facilitate ongoing sharing amongst staff, setting the stage for the planning of next steps (in instruction), for all students, and the strategic application of accommodations and/or modifications for students with special needs. Our Staff members continue to take part in a variety of Professional Learning opportunities to enhance their instructional practice.